I don't really want to discuss the Charleston tragedy, because... I don't know what to say. An evil person walked into a church and killed 9 innocent people. In theory, I'm on the fence about the Death Penalty- but I won't be losing sleep if the shooter loses his life.
But the talk has gone from the tragedy to the Confederate flag (the shooter wore the flag prominently). Since the flag is used as a symbol of the Confederacy (and therefore, slavery), there is talk to remove it from the flag of South Carolina.
Governor Nikki Haley and several of the state's top politicians on both sides of the aisle are calling for the flag to be removed. I think this is a great idea, and a needed one. Too many people associate the Confederate Flag with Slavery. The Swastika has several meanings in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Odinism- but to the vast majority of people, it is associated with Nazism and the Final Solution. It is considered wrong to display the Swastika, and it should also be considered wrong to display the Confederate flag.
So myself and two friends (Don Mewha and Chris O'Brien) had a discussion of what should be on the South Carolina flag. My first suggestion is a cartoon Calvin peeing on North Carolina. But then my friend Don remembered a famous citizen from South Carolina, and this would be right up his alley.
Let's face it- Stephen Colbert redesigning the South Carolina flag would be fantastic.
And since we live in this virtual world, we can start up a petition to push this idea.
Click here to encourage Stephen Colbert come up with the new design of the South Carolina flag