Monday, September 30, 2019

MLB Playoff Predictions

National League:

Brewers over Nationals, 1-0

Braves over Cardinals, 3-2
Dodgers over Brewers, 3-1

Dodgers over Braves, 4-2

American League:

Tampa Bay over Athletics, 1-0

Twins over Yankees, 3-2
Astros over Tampa Bay, 3-1

Astros over Twins, 4-1

World Series:

Astros over Dodgers, 4-2

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Star Wars and Villains

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker comes out this December.  The sequels have had mixed moments, and opinions vary on them.

My own opinion is that Star Wars: The Force Awakens was really well made, but the story was too similar to A New Hope.  Star Wars: The Last Jedi was the opposite- it was such a break from the Star Wars cannon that it broke new ground, but also left a lot of unanswered questions.

(side note:  I also agree with Nando in his one suggested change for The Last Jedi: )

I will be watching The Rise of Skywalker, but I'm asking for one thing in the next movie:  

A crowning moment of villainy from this guy:

This is General Hux.  If you saw The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi and don't remember him... well, that's part of the problem.

The original trilogy had multiple villains that were considered by fans to be a real threat to the heroes.  There was Darth Vader, Grand Moff Tarkin, The Emporer, Boba Fett, Jabba the Hutt....  the villains failed and died, but the audience considered them a threat to the heroes.

For the latest trilogy?  There is Kylo Ren (and some people think he'll make a face turn).  And...

Snoke?  Didn't do anything and died.

Phasma?  Looked like an awesome character, but died before she could really do anything to show she was a threat (and this ticked me off- I wanted her around as the dragon for Finn to defeat in the final movie)

There's no other named villains threats except for Ren... and General Hux.  

And Hux has been treated as a joke in the previous two movies.  He stands around, makes snide remarks, and seems to be wrong on every choice he makes.

So do something with him in this movie that makes him a serious threat.  He doesn't have to be a fighting threat.  Show him to be a tactical genius- or a great leader- or a brilliant manipulator.  Something to make the audience acknowledge he is a threat.

To have great heroes, you need villains that are considered threats.  There's a ton of heroes in Star Wars- Rey, Poe, Rose, Finn.  Kylo Ren can't be the only enemy for all of them.  Build up Hux and the overall movie will be better.