Saturday, July 19, 2014

Crowning Moment of Awesome- 07/19/2014

Weird Al Yankovich has a new album and is revealing 8 videos over 8 days on his website.

My own opinion is that the first three videos ("Tacky","Word Crimes", "Foil") are especially incredible- funny and brilliant music parodies.  Weird Al has been putting on fantastic work for over 30 years.  Watch and enjoy.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

So- back on the diet

Weight's been creeping up.  Which annoys me, because I do work out on a regular basis.  I know the reasons- I eat too much, I eat too fast, and I eat the wrong kind of foods.

So- back on a diet.  A friend of mine lost 50 pounds on the Paleo Diet, so I'm giving that a try.  Or at least partly- I'm willing to give up grains and dairy, and even eggs and beans for a few weeks (during the initial purge).  But they can take my caffeine when they pry it from my cold, dead, still-shaking fingers. 

On a semi-related note... There's a stand at the West Side market that sells dehydrated fruits and vegetables, and they are fantastic.  I love strawberries, but two days after buying them they start to go bad.  But dehydrated, they still taste great and can last for over a month.  I'm getting so hooked I'm contemplating buying a dehydrating machine myself...

(And hey- fruits and vegetables are on the Paleo plan.)