Survivor Series is upon us...
The WWE is in trouble. Not only have they been clobbered with injuries and people taking time off, they've spent the past year pushing the very people who are gone at the expense of those who are there. The WWE has been using people who only wrestle on a part-time basis as their focus point- Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, the Rock- and that has diminishing returns. The one active wrestler they've pushed to a long reign with the title- Seth Rollins- in out for months with a knee injury.
So they've held a tournament for the title, and the final four are the US Champion (Alberto Del Rio), the IC Champion (Kevin Owens), and two members of the Shield (Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns). The winner will be crowned at Survivor Series.
Let's get to the matches:
WWE World Title Semi-Final match: Alberto Del Rio vs. Roman Reigns
What should happen: Del Rio is one of the few guys who works better as a smartass face than as a heel. He needs to be returned to the character he was at Lucha Underground. Reigns is the guy they are pushing to the moon, and should have a clean win.
What I expect to happen: Reigns will win. There's no way Del Rio gets to the finals
What I'm terrified will happen: Del Rio advances to prove me wrong
WWE World Title Semi-Final match: Kevin Owens vs. Dean Ambrose
What should happen: Owens came in red-hot, beating Cena... then lost to Cena twice in a row. Now he's treading water as the IC Champ- still an incredibly hot heel, but not as over as he was the first two months. I think Owens should keep the IC belt until Sami Zayn returns (because those two can have one HELL of a match)- but Owens doesn't need the World Title today
What I expect to happen: Ambrose wins to set up an All-Shield final
What I'm terrified will happen: The Authority comes down, what appears to help Owens, but 'accidentally' helps Ambrose win to set up Ambrose's turn in the finals.
Tyler Breeze vs. Dolph Ziggler
What should happen: Ziggler's been booked so poorly he might as well be called 'Cesaro 2.0'. breeze has had great matches in NXT, and can easily be a workhorse. Give these two thirty minutes and let the audience be begging for a rematch
What I expect to happen: This is Breeze's PPV debut. I think he wins
What I'm terrified will happen: Ziggler wins. Breeze goes to Superstars. So does Ziggler
Kane and Undertaker vs. Bray Wyatt and Brau Strowman
What should happen: I'm not sure how you restore Bray Wyatt's drawing power- he's lost too many times. Maybe have his flock turn on him and have Undertaker take him under his wing as a protege to set up Undertaker's final match?
What I expect to happen: The part-timers win.
What I'm terrified will happen: Kane turns on Undertaker to set up their Wrestlemania match
Traditional 5 on 5 Survivor Series match
What should happen: They haven't even announced who is in it, so who knows? Either have Cesaro survive or the New Day survive, as both are the best people not on the card.
What I expect to happen: Cesaro is the sole survivor on the face team (say him, R-Truth, Ryback, and the Usos vs. New Day, Wade Barrett, and the Miz)
What I'm terrified will happen: Ryback turns heel and helps the heels win
WWE Divas match: Charlotte vs. Paige
What should happen: The WWE has botched the "Diva's revolution" so badly... and bringing up Reid Flair was low. Forget that, have Paige win the title, drop it in two weeks to Sasha Banks, and begin the reign of the Boss
What I expect to happen: Paige to win to set up her dominant heel reign.
What I'm terrified will happen: Ric Flair comes down and turns on Charlotte to be at Paige's side
WWE Title match and Tournament Finale- Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose
What should happen: The story has been the Authority trying to find their new heel champion- so I would turn that around. Have HHH approach Ambrose before the match and make it seem like Ambrose is open to it. After a 15-20 minute match, the Authority comes down, distract the referee, hand Ambrose a chair- and Ambrose blasts HHH with the chair. Ambrose and Reign chase the Authority from the ring, continue their match, Reigns wins cleanly, and the Shield celebrate
Now the Authority have two faces to go after- Reigns for holding the title, Ambrose for rejecting them. Keep them as faces and at Wrestlemania, have Reigns face Brock Lesnar while Ambrose and HHH have a street fight.
What I expect to happen: The Authority will come down and help one of them, turning them heel. I don't know if the fans will boo Ambrose. I think they will boo a heel Reigns (in fact, I think Reigns HAS to win, or risk being labelled as a Choker by the fans)- but what faces will he defend the title against?
What I'm terrified will happen: Sheamus cashes in his briefcase and wins the belt.
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