Sunday, October 18, 2020

The bullet the US Dodged... and the remaining bullet

 The definition of fascism, courtesy of Merriam-Webster:

"a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"

In some ways, Trump has been a fascist.  He demonizes his opponents to the point of calling for their suppression (He's twice led chants of "Lock Her Up ", for two different political opponents, four years apart).  He's constantly attacking the media.  He's questioning the electoral process before the votes have even been counted.

But in many key ways, Trump is not a fascist.  He hasn't made a power grab.  And a pandemic is a perfect storm to make such a power grab.  Trump could have closed the borders, killed all trade with China, and force the states to accept whatever safety measures the federal government deemed were necessary on the argument that it was to protect the nation... and the nation would have gone along with it. 

Why didn't he?  My own pet theory... Trump doesn't want power.  He wants adulation. He wants people to act subordinate to him, at all times, under all conditions.  And that's all he wants.

So, assuming he'll lose in November, he'll use the pulpit to clain he was robbed, that he was a great President, that outside forces were out to get him, that he was cheated... and then he'll leave.  He doesn't want the power of the Presidency.  He wants the aura of the Presidency.

So he'll leave, and we'll have escaped the Trump Presidency.  We could have gone fascist, and we didn't.  The country dodged a bullet.


I don't think Biden's a fascist by any means (in fact, I think he is much more Conservative than Trump- certainly more respectful of traditions and the Constitution).  But I think the Trump Presidency revealed that there are a lot of people who, if they had been in Trump's place, would have pushed the US to a fascist state in their desire to improve it.  

(And yes, I think it's both sides.  If you think the Pandemic should explain why the President should grant Medicare for All by fiat, bypassing Congress- that's fascist and tyrannical)

The Trump Presidency has revealed how much contempt the two sides have for each other- and how little respect they have for the other side.

Politics is about reaching compromise between groups with different agendas.  It involves trading, making deals, and working within the system.  If your only plan is to destroy the opposition so you can implement your programs unimpeded... that's not politics.  That's war.

With Trump, we peered down the abyss of fascism.  My fear is that, instead of backing away, someone will encourage the country to jump.

Monday, October 12, 2020

NBA Finals 2020

Congrats to the Lakers for winning the NBA title.  And a great showing by the Miami Heat (though I can't stand the franchise, I concede their skill as a great team)

With his fourth NBA Title, The LeBron/Jordan GOAT battle is back... a few thoughts:

1) I still think it's a three way battle, with Bill Russell (11 championships) as a viable contender

2) Jordan's major advantage... 6-0. He never lost. And it never felt like he was in serious danger of losing.

3) LeBron's advantage... he's won as the best player on three completely differently rosters, with different coaches. Jordan always has the same core.

4) I still believe LeBron faced tougher competition in the finals than Jordan did. Jordan never faced anyone like the 2013-2014 Spurs or the 2015-2018 Warriors

Conceding my biases.... I think this title gives LeBron the edge.

My top 10 all time basketball rankings
1) LeBron James
2) Michael Jordan
3) Bill Russell
4) Tim Duncan
5) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
6) Magic Johnson
7) Larry Bird
8) Kobe Bryant
9) Hakeem Olajuwon
10) Jerry West

(and yes, Wilt isn't on the list)