Friday, April 8, 2022

Half a Century

So... I turn 50 years old today.  

Normally, I don't care about my birthday.  It's just a number.  The last one I cared about was 25- and that was because my car insurance rates dropped.  But 50 seems... significant.

I'm a much different person than I was at 40.  In some ways, I wouldn't recognize myself.  (40 year old me:  "When did you stop eating beef and pork?  And you voted for... Joe Biden?  Willingly?").  But I also think that I've become a better person over the past decade.  Closer to the point that I want to be.  And hopefully, I will continue to grow in my fifties.

Thank you all for being in my life.  We all only have one journey, and I appreciate all of you being here as I walk this path.  

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