I'm a sucker for fantasy drafts. I used to play in fantasy baseball and basketball leagues, and still have a couple of fantasy football leagues that I play in.
Recently, some friends of mine and I did a "Saturday Night Live" fantasy draft. The rules were simple:
- 10 cast members, minimum 2 females (could pick from anyone who was an official cast member)
- 1 host
- 1 musical guest
- pick a news anchor from your cast members
It was interesting to see who went where and what people valued. For instance, my top choice would have been Dan Aykroyd- but apparently a lot of people felt so, as he went #1 overall.
Out of eight teams, I ended up with the #7 pick overall (Rule #12- in any draft, I end up with one of the last numbers). Here's the cast that I drafted:
Host: Buck Henry
Music act: Aerosmith
Gilda Radner
Mike Myers
Jane Curtain- News Anchor
Robert Downey, Jr.
Billy Crystal
Andy Samberg
Joan Cusack
Michael McKean
Harry Shearer
Gilbert Gottfried
Almost- ALMOST- had all three members of Spinal Tap, but Christopher Guest was taken two picks before my turn.
Not a bad cast- a lot of people who had better post-SNL careers than during SNL, but I like the promise. Buck Henry was a fantastic host. And on any show with "Wayne's World" and 2/3 of Spinal Tap, I need a Heavy Metal band to work with.
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