OK- putting on the political gamesmanship hat here...
It's August 2012. The election is three months away. And the Supreme Court makes a decision that finds the Health Care Bill Unconstitutional.
Doesn't that enrage the supporters of the bill? And with the election so soon thereafter, wouldn't that emotion lead them to go to the voting booth to take out their anger?
It works the other way, too- if the Supreme Court found the Bill Constitutional, it's the opponents of the Bill who are willing to walk over broken glass to take out their anger at the voting booth.
So, by timing the Health Care Bill so that it's decided by the Supreme Court before the 2012 election, it's almost a version of a Hedge Bet- the side that loses the Health Care Issue will gain at the polls.
By appealing the Appellate decision when they did, the Administration wants the Health care Bill to be decided before the election.
So here's my question- do they want the Supreme Court to find the Bill Constitutional? Or would they rather improve their chances for re-election if the Supreme Court finds it Unconstitutional?
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