Sunday, February 19, 2012


For crying out loud... we're 15 TRILLION in debt, the CBO says unemployment is actually closer to 15%, Greece is ready to default and take the Euro down with it, and things are breaking down between the US and Iran.  A lot of serious problems in the world.

And we're arguing over contraception?!?

Look, I'll answer the contraception question easily.  Condoms are cheap, buy them your own damn self.  End of story.

The bigger problem is that there are serious issues in the world, we're trying to elect a President and Congress to handle these issues the best way possible, and we're getting sidetracked by the most idiotic issues possible.

This isn't even rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.  This is arguing over the colors of the seat cushions, while the ship is heading towards the giant Iceberg. 

I'm pissed at all sides.  I think President Obama is giving a first-rate example why we shouldn't elected unqualified people to the highest office in the land.  But the GOP are self-destructing to a degree that we might end up giving him another four years to ignore the debt and come up with economic solutions that don't work.

Gingrich is a disaster, Santorum is a walking stereotype of what non Conservatives think Conservatives are really like, and Romney comes across as phony as a $3 bill.  (And I say this as a Romney supporter)

My big fear isn't that these guys aren't offering the right solutions.  It's that none of them seem to be aware of what the real problems are. 

1 comment:

  1. Alas, I half agree with you.

    Contraception in this case isn't buying's birth control pills, which are often used to deal with a myriad of other health problems for women (ovarian cysts, painful cramping, etc etc etc) and can be QUITE expensive.

    While I'm not a supporter of the President (I'll be voting 3rd party, personally), on this one I think he started with the right call (but once again caved).

    It's a wedge issue that both the GOP and Dems want to use to drive their bases to the polls in November...just another bit of political theater.
