Sunday, February 12, 2012

Viva Las Vegas

I'm turning 40 later this year.  As a present, several of us got together and spent three days in Las Vegas as a celebration.  Had a great time.  Some quick and dirty highlights:

* Won $380 in a poker tournament at the Luxor.  Entered two other tournaments- once had bad cards, once made a bad move.  But the win was a nice ego boost.

* Overall, was up on poker, up on roulette (the five spins I stays), and up on slots (only put $20 in the slots, but we hit a good one).  However, I gave it all back and then some at Blackjack.  I swear, I think the dealers got together beforehand and decided that it was a moral imperative to take our had-earned cash.  I never saw so many dealers pull 20s and 21s out of nowhere. 

* Went to the "Pawn Stars" store.  Smaller than I expected, but a lot of neat items.  Didn't have the money to buy any of the items I wanted, though.

* Sports bets.  Threw $5 on three longshots (Grizzlies to win the NBA title; Cardinals and Dolphins to win next year's Super Bowl). 

More importantly, bet $100 at 6/5 on the Miami Heat winning the NBA title.  Now, I'm not a Miami fan (being a Clevelander and all).  But I've had such bad luck with sports teams (fan of Chicago Cubs, Cleveland Indians, Cleveland Cavs, Cleveland Browns), that I've half-joked that I am a sports curse.

Well, let's put this to the test.  Now my interest as a fan is in conflict with my interest as a greedy capitalist.  One side must win.  Either I win $120- or Miami doesn't win the Title.  I'm content with both outcomes.

* Coming from 70 in Vegas to 20 in Cleveland is... a radical change in weather.
* Drank well, ate well, had a great time with family and friends. 

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