Monday, December 31, 2018

Bringing in 2019

(Warning:  Just returned from my brothers and had a couple of bourbons... forgive me if I ramble)

2019... I won't bother with predictions.  They always seem like a crapshoot anyways.  

On a personal level- I want to really focus on my health.  For the first two months, I'm abstaining from alcohol and really focusing on my diet.  I really would like to hit 190 pounds sometime this year.  (My weight this morning:  214.0 pounds)

For the world?  I just want us to be nicer to each other.  So much of what I read is just so angry.  Angry at each other.  Instead of looking for solutions, we're looking to scream at each other.  It's so... tiring.  And feels so useless.  I see the anger and snark and I'm just... tuning it out.  If someone has a point to make it's not reaching me.  

Most of the stuff I write on here nowadays is light fluff- sports predictions, wrestling rants.  Part of that is to entertain.  Part of that is because I don't have solutions to the problems we face.  So if all I can offer is amusement... that's what I'm offering.

I thank you all for reading, whoever is out there.  This is an infinitesimally tiny corner of the internet... but it is mine, and I appreciate everyone who checks it out.

Thank you, and have a great 2019.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Closing Out 2018

2018.... It was a year.  

On a personal level... for me, it wasn't a horrible year.  But I have some friends going through some serious illnesses, and watching them is agonizing.  You want to help, and there's so little you can do...  "Thoughts and Prayers" has turned into a punchline, but for some situations, I'm not sure there's anything else I or anyone can do.

On a world level... I don't like to talk politics anymore.  There doesn't seem any point- we're not discussing ideas.  Maybe I'll feel different next year.

My predictions ... they did not turn out so well.  I'm sure I'll try again.

Even after all of these years, I'm still not sure what I'm doing with this blog.  Mainly a place to write down my thoughts that aren't under the facebook/twitter umbrella.  But I'm so casual about this that I have no idea who (if anyone) actually reads this.  If you are reading this, thanks.  

Wishing everyone a fantastic 2019.   Surely you concede we deserve it.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Top 64 Tournaments- past and present

I'm a fan (geek) about brackets and tournaments.  Start out with 64 options (more than that is too many).  Find a way for two of the options to match up, then find a way to declare a winner- winner moves on.  In the end, there can be only one winner.

A dozen years ago, I ran some top 64 tournaments through email over work.  This past year, I restarted them.  The voting is on Facebook.  The link is 'All Time Drafts- Voting'  Everyone's welcome to join the group, vote, and argue for their choices.

I put together a list of all of my previous drafts and the winners.  We're starting a new one (Top 64 Villains) next Monday.

Bracket Winner
Rock Bands Led Zeppelin
Movies Star Wars:  A New Hope
TV Comedies The Simpsons
Comic Strips Calvin & Hobbes
Movie Actors Harrison Ford
Movie Actresses Katherine Hepburn
Stand-Up Comedians George Carlin
Arcade Games Donkey Kong
Disney/Pixar Movies The Lion King
Villains … To Be Determined…