Monday, December 31, 2018

Bringing in 2019

(Warning:  Just returned from my brothers and had a couple of bourbons... forgive me if I ramble)

2019... I won't bother with predictions.  They always seem like a crapshoot anyways.  

On a personal level- I want to really focus on my health.  For the first two months, I'm abstaining from alcohol and really focusing on my diet.  I really would like to hit 190 pounds sometime this year.  (My weight this morning:  214.0 pounds)

For the world?  I just want us to be nicer to each other.  So much of what I read is just so angry.  Angry at each other.  Instead of looking for solutions, we're looking to scream at each other.  It's so... tiring.  And feels so useless.  I see the anger and snark and I'm just... tuning it out.  If someone has a point to make it's not reaching me.  

Most of the stuff I write on here nowadays is light fluff- sports predictions, wrestling rants.  Part of that is to entertain.  Part of that is because I don't have solutions to the problems we face.  So if all I can offer is amusement... that's what I'm offering.

I thank you all for reading, whoever is out there.  This is an infinitesimally tiny corner of the internet... but it is mine, and I appreciate everyone who checks it out.

Thank you, and have a great 2019.

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