I've been drinking some Aberlour Scotch and cursing trade wars and thinking...
1) This week, I'm getting a vasectomy. I'm making jokes about it (the wife keeps referring to the "Cone of Shame", and I've made comments form 'Gonads to 'Gone-ads'). I'm not worried about it (I've had a kidney taken it- this should, in theory, be a piece of cake), but I admit a little bit forlorn. I'm almost 48; I know I'm too old to be a father. And I knew years ago that I wasn't going to be one, and that I'd probably be too lenient to be a good father. But there are still regrets, and the thoughts of "What if...".
2) Changing to something less personal... I'm watching High Fidelity on Hulu, and highly recommend it. The movie was great, and I think the series is even better. Zoe Kravitz is awesome in the Rob role
3) The next debate is tonight. Honestly unless something happens in the next week, I suspect Bernie Sanders will be the Democratic Nominee. Which sucks from my point of view, because I think both candidates are so awful that neither deserve my vote. I'll abstain, hope from gridlock, and get a pre-boarding ticket for the Nikki Haley 2024 bandwagon.
4) I might as well post it here to put extra pressure of myself- my goal in 2020 is to finish the book I've started. When it's complete, I'll be asking for beta readers.
And on that note, time for me to finish my drink and head. Peace, my friends.
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